Cisco Hardware Lab Setup V1
I was able to buy the cisco hardware from a coworker for a good price. I also got a RJ45 to Serial Console Cable along with a USB to Serial. Along with some ethernet cables. I got the hardware setup...
Blog Theme Working and Online
Though I haven’t made any changes live yet. I did get a theme working. I just had to follow the guide on the Github page for the theme. Jekyll Hacker Blog Theme Then work through the errors to get Jekyll...
4th of July Blog Progress
It is the 4th of July Holiday. I’m off work, I don’t really have any cisco hardware yet. I’m not in the mood to work on my certification. However, I was in the mood to start working on my blog...
Hands On Cisco Training (Packet Tracer vs GNS3 vs Hardware)
I’m starting to get more in depth into my cisco training. I think I’ve reached the point where Packet Tracer can no longer be used for everything my training. Mostly because the simulation software is missing features that I want...