Jake's Blog

4th of July Blog Progress

It is the 4th of July Holiday. I’m off work, I don’t really have any cisco hardware yet. I’m not in the mood to work on my certification. However, I was in the mood to start working on my blog again. I got some progress getting it to load up some posts. Jekyll is working now and can auto generate the HTML for the webpage.

I got my text files where I had been tossing in my ideas for the year. Then I formatted them for Jekyll to auto-process them into blog posts.

Also learned how to use Markdown to make the code easier to read and easier to setup. Also got to learn how to setup multiple pieces of it. Like the tables and links you see below. Mostly through some quick cheat sheets online to get started.

For example, I can show the code directly in this box because I put 3 backticks `

Links can easily be setup like some
<link> This will show the full URL and make it a link
[link](Title of link)

Below are some links on getting it started to get it working.

https://jekyllrb.com/docs/ Quickstart
https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/ Installation
https://jekyllrb.com/docs/installation/windows/ Jekyll on Windows
https://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/ Ruby Downloads
https://jekyllrb.com/docs/posts/ Jekyll Posts
https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#code Markdown Cheat Sheet