Jake's Blog


Very rarely used Shodan back in 2018.

However recently I paid for an account so I could use look for specific items and just explore more. Including being able to use the CLI.

One thing that I thought I would start off with is Polycom VVX phones since we have a lot of them at work and it is very bad when a Level 1 Techs leave open a port forward(s) to one. If the phone is registered and gets hijacked it can make international calls and cause hundreds to thousands of USD$ in international calling bills. Basically don’t put phones on the internet especially if they are not designed that way. Still just starting to explore I was able to download about 900 out of the 1200+ Polycom VVX phones that were sitting around on the open internet. Narrowing down the search I found a few that seemed like they might be ours, but luckily they aren’t. In the future it would probably be easier if I narrowed down the list to only IPs our routers have. Though I don’t have that list on my personal PC.

Unfortunately Shodan along with other offensive security related tools are blocked at work because the filtering labels them as ‘hacking’ and none of that is approved. I personally think you should try attacking your own tech stack to ensure it is safe.